Previous Reports
Match Report Wed 28 Sep 2016
Subject: Players and Payers 2016_10_28 Do Not be Drawn
anthonyto £2.50
Austin £5.00
Barkball £3.00
JakeFlowers £3.00
Johnny £2.50
Kaichan £3.00
Milo £3.00
Niyi £3.00
andyhibbert, Austin, Avvon, JonF, luteusmaximus, Milo, Nathan
Orange Bibs
anthonyto, Barkball, Dave, JakeFlowers, Johnny, Kaichan, Niyi
English football is going through a difficult time at the moment. Players are asked not to talk to or grant interviews to anyone who appears to be an undercover newspaper reporter or a fake sheikh. You can recognise them because they will give you drink, offer you money and ask you questions about football. Beware they are not your friends.
If that is not enough to wear you down then please be aware that this week a team achieved the second lowest tally in club history by scoring only one goal and the previous week a team achieved the third lowest tally in club history by scoring only two goals. The club might be in turmoil.
Amongst all of this we played a match and Barkball's team destroyed yet another worthy opposition.
Match awarded to the Orange Bibs 4 - 1.
Asked to comment on the current situation in English football the highest Premier League goal scorer of all time and former England captain would not be drawn.
Image of a haunted Alan Shearer remaining tight lipped
Things to Note
If your mate is one of the seven who is still yet to score since the infamous clean sheet defeat then please attend to contribute assists. Football may never be the same again. I do not know what to say other than where is Arik when we need him?
We shall overcome. Let's do it all again this Wednesday at Tottenham Wednesday FC .