Previous Reports
Match Report Wed 27 Jan 2016
Subject: Players and Payers 2016_01_27 - Twelve Good Men
Barkball £2.50 (First Match Discount)
Ben £1.00
Danny £4.00
FRLambert £2.50 (First Match Discount)
Johnny £1.80
Luteusmaximus £2.20
Mark £5.00
Milo £5.00
Scott £3.50
Ben, Danny, JonF, Luteusmaximus, Mark, Niyi
Orange Bibs
Barkball, FRLambert, Johnny, Milo, Scott, Steve
This week we welcomed Oliver who has named himself FRLambert and James to be known as Barkball (this naming is similar to Edson Arantes do Nascimento being known as Pele). They are friends of Ben who is commended for his exceptional contribution to talent scouting for the club.
After weeks of low attendance it was a pleasure tonight to have a full team. Even the guests who normally pop by to join in were taken by surprise when they were politely stood down.
According to Ben the science of our football is that when teams are balanced then the one with the newer players will lose. With this in mind Ben kindly played against his two friends.
It was a close affair right up until 4 – 4, then all science went out of the window. Johnny was on fire seemingly with a point to prove. As he scored and scored again the Muftis were unsure what was hitting them.
Captaining the beleaguered Muftis JonF asked for defensive players to press forward.
Firmly keeping the Muftis on the ropes Scott weighed in and scored from the edge of the area. Not knowing quite what was going on, a section of the Muftis’ team stopped play and accused Scott of having encroached into the area. This is a new year with seemingly less scope for mind games. No one acknowledged the complaint and the goal stood.
Barkball and FRLambert sensing their debuts would yield easy picking sped forward at will to further traumatise the Muftis. Barkball joined the scoring,. FRLambert joined Milo in creating an attacking midfield. The Bibs were in essence teaching a masterclass to the Muftis.
After scoring past Steve JonF again asked for more players to press forward. Mark answered the call. Not fancying it Niyi delegated the honour to Luteusmaximus and told him he should play striker for the rest of the match and not come back.
Scott brought up his hat-trick, Barkball brought his hat-trick, Johnny scored so many goals some players were probably singing in their heads - Are you Danny in disguise?
Match awarded to the Orange Bibs 15 – 6.
Things to Note
Barkball joins the rarefied list of players who have scored at least a hat-trick on their debut.
FRLambert had a sterling debut and was a play maker in overwhelming the Muftis.
Scott dedicated his hat-trick to his new socks.
The Muftis request a re-match as the score was as unanticipated as … (substitute your own surprising shock score line here)