Previous Reports
Match Report Wed 23 Mar 2016
Subject: Players and Payers 2016_03_23 - A Night of Magical Keepers
AlMaher £3.00
Ben £5.00
Danny £5.00
JonF £5.00
Kaichan £3.00
Niyi £1.50
JonF, Kaichan, Milo, Niyi, Guest3 (Mus), Guest4 (Jalal),
Orange Bibs
AlMaher, Ben, Danny, Guest1 (Has), Guest2 (Ram)
OK first things first. We played again until around something to 10pm. Centre officials have asked that we be mindful of the time in future weeks. They have asked us to respect that it costs money to keep the floodlights on. The Sports Centre has always been kind to us so we need to be conscious of our allotted period from here on in. Perhaps we can discuss with the Centre about flicking the floodlights off and on at full time like they do at some of the other pitches.
In terms of the match we were again joined by the four players of Atletiko Madrid Guests and played six Muftis against five Orange Bibs. The Orange Bibs were granted the right to play rush keeper.
The evening gave us the traditional fare of competitive end to end soccer. In addition to the two guests the Bibs had AlMaher, a player currently joint holding the designation of Goal Machine, Ben, previous holder of the highest scoring debut, now hailed as Ben-Rick Larsson and Danny the sublime holder of the club’s most goals scored in a match accolade. As such Mufti’s players felt little or no discomfort about the Bibs having one man less. This was borne out in the fact that there was no offer of a player switch at nominal half time.
The match was very close and will be remembered for the incredible goal keeping displays from JonF, Kaichan, Has, Jalal, Mus and Ram. It started off with the normal impressive play that one has become used to from the Guests at either end. Then the Bibs were awarded a penalty from an area infringement. Mus stepped up to take the penalty. He is one of the most clinical strikers of the ball since Nathan and Tim and from under six yards everything was in his favour. Mus steadied himself and took the allowed one pace, he arrowed the ball to his left low into the corner. JonF flew low and fast and made the save. JonF’s save writes his name into club folklore as the first keeper to save a penalty on our home ground in over four years. He joins Avvon (17 June 2015 ) as the only keepers to have saved penalties in recent times.
Mus later on made amends by scoring his normal fine goals but cannot escape the fact he has joined a list of three players who have not scored their penalties.
From there on it was an incredible display of keeping. Words cannot do justice to the exploits of the keepers so I include a picture below.
An Artistic Representation of the Fine Goal Keeping Displayed During the Match
In years to come players will look back on 23/03/2016 as the evening when many keepers performed wonders in the same match.
Towards the end of the evening the score stood at Muftis 12 – Bibs 11. It was very late but a good close enjoyable match so players declared that the next goal would win, then it was agreed that the first to 14 might be better. Patience wore thin when someone shouted first to 15 and someone else then declared 16. In the end the Muftis scored two more goals and the match ended.
As always we salute the team who played the whole match with a man short without complaint.
Final score Muftis 14 – Orange Bibs 11
Things to Note
We join the football world in marking the passing of a Total Football maestro - R.I.P. Johan Cruyff.
See you next Wednesday. Get booking at Tottenam Wednesday FC .