Previous Reports
Match Report Wed 20 Jan 2016
Subject: Players and Payers 2016_01_20 - And Then There Were Five
AlMaher £5.00
JakeFlowers £5.00
JonF £7.50
Steve £5.00
Orange Bibs
AlMaher, JakeFlowers (First Half), JonF, Steve
Luteusmaximus, Guest 1, Guest 2, JakeFlowers (Second Half)
Gents my apologies for not being able to make it to the match on Wednesday. JonF kindly provided the players and payers details.
As I understand it, Jon’s team, who I guess would have worn the Bibs, won. In the absence of a formal score I have entered a Pools Panel style 1 – 0 victory to the Bibs on the system. This is so that when the club statistics are compiled the winners will be credited with their match win. The statistics are coming soon, honest!
Match awarded to the Orange Bibs – Score Unknown
If anyone else has a better recollection of the half time score when Jake switched and the end of match score do let me know and I will tidy up the record.
Get booking for next Wednesday at the link below: