Previous Reports
Match Report Wed 18 Sep 2019
Subject: RE: Players and Payers 2019_09_18 A Match Filmed by a Cameraman
Dear Readers,
Please see the correction below to the original match report. Lads never let it be said that match reports are not scrutinised. Many thanks to Andy for his helpful review.
Sent: 24 September 2019 22:30
Subject: RE: Players and Payers 2019_09_18 First Match Fillmed by a
Hi Niyi,
Just two corrections:
Last week was the second time the match was recorded while someone was manning the camera (Dhavan was first last year some point)
There was only one camera last week but there may be two tomorrow if Mark turns up.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: n1y1@aol.com
Sent: 24 September 2019 21:47
To: Subject: Players and Payers 2019_09_18 First Match Fillmed by
a Cameraman
Match report and subs courtesy of club captain JonF. Match video is at https://youtu.be/Bc6BZf7FNJU courtesy of our resident cinematographer andyhibbert. Many thanks Andy and Jon.
Payers on 18-09-2019
Avvon Subscription
dabiyani1995 Subscription £2.00
Denzo Subscription
JakeFlowers Subscription £5.00
JonF Subscription
LukeF Subscription
Scott Subscription
VIIGeorgeVII Subscription £2.00
Avvon, dabiyani1995, DariusAlexandru, Denzo, Israel90, JakeFlowers
Yellow Bibs
Austin, JonF, LukeF, MarkA, Scott, VIIGeorgeVII
Not sure about final score , may need to check YouTube. Andy was the cameraman and had two cameras working from different angles.
We wish George speedy recovery and hope his ankle injury is not too serious.
Let's do it all again next match at Tottenham Wednesday FC