Previous Reports
Match Report Wed 02 Sep 2020
Payers on 02-09-2020
andyhibbert Subscription £3.00
JakeFlowers Subscription £5.00
JonF Subscription £5.00
MarkA Subscription £10.00
MSGomes Subscription £5.00
At the start of evening
Amount remaining from subs paid the previous week was £12.
£18 added. Sports centre paid £30 for match day 02/09/2020.
At end of evening
£30 collected in subs to pay for fees for next match day 09/09/2020.
CW1st, Israel90, JakeFlowers, JonF, Guest1 (Shaun alternated sides after every two goal lead), Guest2 (Ellis)
Dark Tops
andyhibbert, Hagenius, MarkA, MSGomes, Niyi, Guest1 (Shaun alternated sides after every two goal lead)
We commenced the evening with uneven numbers, six Bibs against five Dark Tops. Keen to avoid a repeat of the previous week, players agreed a unique solution. This ‘solution’ entailed a player swapping sides to the losing side every time a two goal lead was achieved. Yes, I know, I know!! We had not really solved anything, because if the side with fewer players went two goals up then they would lose a player and be even worse off. If they then survived this they would either lose another player or eventually get a player back. Look, we are footballers not Socrates. That said there was once a footballer named Socrates, who was also a medical doctor, and he was fantastic. I digress.
Anyway, the dreaded conundrum did not come to pass. The first swap happened at 4-2 to the Bibs when Guest Shaun was switched to help the Dark Tops. Shaun then switched back to the Bibs when, with his assistance, the Dark Tops got themselves two goals in front.
I think the match was called to a halt at 9.00pm, with the Bibs two goals ahead, just as Shaun was swapped back to the Dark Tops. Shaun is commended for nobly embracing the discombobulating conundrum that he found himself in.
Final score Bibs 10 – 8* Dark Tops
Match awarded to Bibs and Shaun
The score above is still subject to ratification once the match video is reviewed.
Things to Note
JonF advises that the Centre Manager has told him that if we keep going over our allotted time we may be surcharged in future. We accept this and praise the Centre Manager for gently speaking directly to our club captain. He is a consummate diplomat and we will henceforth play to the clock.
Lads, next match is the second Wednesday in September. Newer players, this is the anniversary of possibly the most comprehensive defeat of a team in club history. Beware the second Wednesday in September.
On a more celebratory note, with his next match Dabiyani1995 will join the ranks of the players who have played in 100 or more matches for the club.
In the best North London tradition, please everyone hum
“Nice one Dabiyani. Let’s have another one”.
The Spurs faithful know the tune.
Ok, let’s do it all again next match at Tottenham Wednesday FC. Book yourself on to the fixture, you know you want to.